~Open to Current Students of Midwest Conservatory of Music and Midwest Philharmonic Orchestra~
For Piano and Strings:
Senior Division (9th-12th grade)
Junior Division (6th-8th grade)
Elementary Division (5th grade and younger)
For Woodwinds:
Senior Division (9th-12th grade)
Junior Division (8th grade and younger)
Students must video record a performance, accompanied, of a movement from a concerto or work with orchestral accompaniment. For full consideration, the piece should be memorized. Using music is allowed, but will result in a deduction from the judges.
Entry fee: $45 (We will add this fee into your Midwest account.)
Video Submissions Are Due By 11:59pm Sunday, December 3rd, 2023
Judges will be hired from outside Midwest Conservatory, and their comment sheets will be provided to each performer after the competition.
The winners from each division will perform with the Midwest Philharmonic Orchestra on Sunday, February 18th, 2024 at Elmhurst University’s Hammerschmidt Chapel.
To Apply & Submit Videos: